
We are fortunate that in Scotland, certain aspects of care at home services are not means tested, meaning the Local Authority might provide some financial assistance to enable you to use a service such as Home Help Me Care.

In 2013 The Scottish Parliament passed a new law on social care support, the Social Care Act 2013. The Act gives people a range of options for how their care and support is delivered, which is beyond just direct payments, empowering people to decide how much control they have in their care & support.  The act has been translated into an easy understand principles.

Navigating the care system can be complex and sometimes confusing. As part of our service we guide you through this process and provide advocacy to ensure your voice is heard.

Home Help Me Care is on City of Edinburgh ‘approved’ list of care companies and are registered to accept ISF and Direct Payment funding. As well as this, we also accept privately funded clients.

Common questions about accessing self directed support:

Question: Is care at home means tested?

Answer: Care at home is not mean tested (financial).

Question: How do I arrange for an assessment?

Answer: There are a number of ways you can do this:

  1. Your GP can refer you

  2. Anyone or a representative (family friend, next of kin, Power of Attorney) can contact Social Care Direct on 0131 200 2324 and request an assessment.

  3. If you have been in hospital, the discharge team will sometimes arrange for you to be assessed in the community

Question: How long does it take?

Answer: It can take several weeks for your request to be processed and be allocated to the relevant Social Work Team, so it’s important that if you feel you need help to not delay requesting an assessment. Previously, the average wait time for an initial assessment was 6 week, though with increasing demands for care, it can now take much longer.

Question: Who does the assessment ?

Answer: This can vary, often it will be a community Social Social Worker or Community Worker or a Community Occupational Therapist. Often, more than one professional will be involved.

Question: What kind of things will they ask me?

Answer: They will complete an assessment called ‘My Support Assessment’, which cover things like what your needs are, how you feel about living at home, what support the carer needs, medication and medical conditions. If Home Help Me Care is involved in your care already, we can provide them with additional information.

Question: If I am awarded a contribution toward my care how is this paid?

Answer: There are two ways to receive support, through a direct payment (you receive the money directly), through an Individual service fund (ISF)